What Is a Slot?


A slot is a narrow opening. It’s used to receive or place things, like a mailbox or a piece of furniture. It can also refer to a position or sequence in a process, such as a slot in a clock or an assignment or job opening. It’s also a place on an aircraft’s wing that improves airflow, such as in ice hockey.

A slot can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, or even a morpheme. It can fit any morpheme sequence in a given context, such as a chief copy editor’s interior slot on his copy desk or an airplane’s slot between the face-off circles that allows pilots to land without entering the ice rink.

Slots can be useful in managing air traffic at busy airports, as they help ensure that multiple flights don’t occupy the same time slots. However, the number of slots available for aircraft varies with the congestion levels at a particular airport.

When constructing a slot, you need to decide which type of content it models and whether the slot will be enabled on hubs or slot repositories. You can add synonyms to a slot to describe its value more easily and make it easier for clients to understand.

Slots are a type of data that models the same structure, syntax, keywords, choosers, and properties as the content types that it represents. You can use a slot for each type of data that you model on your website.