What Is a Slot?


A slot is a narrow opening. It is used for receiving objects, and it can also be a position or sequence in a series. In a hockey game, a slot represents the fourth position on the ice. The term slot comes from the Latin word sleutena, and is cognate with the German Schloss. In other contexts, the term slot refers to a job opening or assignment. An airplane wing also features a slot for airflow.

A slot machine has a pay table, which lists the credits a player will receive if all of their symbols line up. Some symbols are wild, meaning they substitute for other symbols and will pay out if they appear on the screen. The pay table is usually printed on the machine’s face, although an older machine may have a pay table below the wheel. In modern video slots, the pay table is located in the help menu. It will give you an idea of how much you can win if you win the jackpot.

A computer can also have multiple slots. An expansion slot, also called a “Nickel” slot, can fit a number of different types of hardware. Its pinholes are typically close together and can accommodate a variety of different hardware components, including video cards, memory modules, and video cards. In some cases, a computer can have multiple expansion slots, which increases the number of expansion options. But it is important to note that some of these slots are uncompatible with other types of computers.