Slots – What Are Slots and How Do You Use Them in Games?


The word “slot” means a narrow depression or opening, and is a term derived from the late 14c. The term is related to Old French, where it is derived from esclot. Another possible source is the Old Norse word slod, which means “trough.” The term was first recorded in the 1520s, while the meaning “machine” was not used until 1888. Regardless of its meaning, slots are a popular choice for games involving money.

A slot can be active or passive. The content of a slot is determined by a scenario, which uses an Add Items to Slot action or a targeter to fill the slot. Scenarios can also reference a specific item or content repository. Slots and scenarios work together to deliver content, while renderers specify the presentation of that content. This article explores the various types of slots and their respective roles. There are many ways to use them in a game, and you may be surprised at what you find!

In hockey, a slot is the area between the faceoff circles. This area provides the greatest scoring opportunity when the puck does not deflect. In addition to being low, a slot also allows a wrist shot to be taken with a clear view of the net. The low slot also encourages wingers to take wrist shots, while defenders will often lay big hits to small wingers in the slot. This makes the slot a highly advantageous area to be in for a shooter.